Section 6 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, in India, deals with the determination of the residential status of an individual for income tax purposes. It establishes the criteria that help identify whether an individual is considered a resident or a non-resident in India during a particular financial year. The residential status is crucial as it determines the scope of an individual's tax liability in India. Depending on their residential status, different rules apply to the taxation of various types of income earned by the individual.
Which amongst the following nations is not a member of the SAARC?
From where does the Lower Ganga Canal have its starting point?
The consistency principle states that, once you adopt an accounting method, you shall continue to follow that in future accounting periods
The Palk Strait is located between which two countries?
The Full form of NCCC is
In the 4th century BCE, the capital of Magadha was shifted to _______.
Who is the author of the book Darkness at Noon?
Which of the following river is known as Dakshin Ganga?
Which of the following is the first payment bank of India
Recently International Kite Festival has been inaugurated in the state of: