Systematic risk implies the overall market risk that affects all securities and cannot be diversified away. Systematic risk, also known as market risk or non-diversifiable risk, refers to the risk inherent in the overall market or the entire economy. It is beyond the control of an individual investor and affects all securities in the market. This type of risk cannot be eliminated through diversification because it is not specific to any particular company or industry. Factors contributing to systematic risk include macroeconomic events, changes in interest rates, political instability, natural disasters, and other broad market influences. Investors can manage systematic risk through various risk management strategies, such as asset allocation and hedging.
Which country is David Warner, the recently retired international cricketer, associated with?
Which of the following private sector firm has recently launched its super app Meta Market for Advanced Agricultural Services to provide agricultural an...
Consider the following statements:
I. India's first-ever National Air Sports Policy-2022 has been launched by Sports Authority of India.
<...In the first issue of fund raising through bonds in 2023, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has raised close to Rs _______ cr...
________ announced that it is planning to build the world’s first “Bitcoin City”.
The Dhaka Literary Festival was held after a three year gap after the Covid pandemic. It took place on _____ to ______ January, 2023.
North India's first nuclear power plant will be set up in which state?
Recently “Har Ghar Dastak 2.0” Programme was launched. When was the 1st phase launched?
How many Missile Cum Ammunition Barges are planned in the project initiated by the Ministry of Defence and SECON Engineering Projects Pvt Ltd?
PM Modi inaugurated the Integrated Terminal of Veer Savarkar International Airport, in which state/ UT?