Assets with a beta of 0.95 in financial terminology will be considered as: Defensive asset In financial terms, beta measures the sensitivity of an asset's returns to the overall market movements. A beta of less than 1, such as 0.95, indicates that the asset is less volatile than the overall market. It means that the asset tends to move less than the market in both upward and downward directions. Such assets are considered defensive because they have a lower level of risk and tend to provide more stable returns, especially during market downturns. Defensive assets are often preferred by investors who prioritize capital preservation and are willing to accept lower potential returns in exchange for reduced volatility and risk.
Some pulses are grams.
No pulse is a bean.
All grams are wheat.
I. All wheat being pulses i...
Only hands are legs
Few hands are arms
All arms are shoulders
I. Some hands are shoulder...
A few Bat is Ball
No Ball is Bails
Only Bails is Pitch
I) Each Bat being Bails is a p...
Three statements are followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to consider these statements to be true, even if they seem at va...
Only a few Y are Z
No Y is X
No Z is V
I. Some Y are not Z
II. Some X ar...
In the question below some statements are given followed by three conclusions I, II, and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if ...
Some teachers are doctor
Some doctors are police
Some police are army.
I. Some Teach...
Some tablets are medicines. Some syrups are not capsules. Some tablets are not syrups.
Only a few Car are Bike.
Some Bike is not Cycle.
All Scooty is Cycle.
Some Car can be Cy...
Who among the following sits to the extreme west on Floor - 2 and extreme east on Floor-4?