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NASDAQ is the largest U.S. electronic stock market in terms of shares traded. It is known for being home to leading technology companies and businesses across various industry sectors such as Microsoft, Intel, Google (now Alphabet), K-Swiss, and many others. The NASDAQ stock exchange is known for its high- tech and innovative image and is often associated with technology-oriented companies.
Indian Railways to become Net Zero Carbon Emitter by which of the following year?
The Vesak festival is primarily celebrated by which community?
Which bank has collaborated with with NCDEX E-Markets Limited (NeML) to fortify the integration of e-procurement and e-auction systems and through which...
ITC has acquired a 39.42% stake in Sproutlife Foods, makers of “Yoga Bar” food products, for Rs _______.
“Hitonpay Lifecare” is a _________.
What is the name of the advanced 5th generation battle tank introduced by the Israeli Defense Ministry?
How can a Sukanya Samridhi Account be operated?
Which company recently launched a voice-based digital payment option for booking LPG cylinders?
The government of Uttarakhand has signed MoUs worth Rs.5450 crore with the industrial groups of which city for investments in real estate, infrastructur...
Which airline would become the first airline in the world to use Solar (sun-to-liquid) fuel?