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GeM has a number of features that help to promote transparency, including: Public disclosure of all procurement activities: All procurement activities on GeM are publicly disclosed, including tender notices, bids, and contract awards. This allows anyone to track the procurement process and ensure that it is fair and transparent. Real-time bidding: GeM uses a real-time bidding system, which means that buyers and sellers can interact and negotiate prices in real time. This helps to ensure that the best possible price is obtained for government procurements. Audit trail: GeM maintains an audit trail of all procurement activities, which allows for the traceability of all transactions. This helps to ensure that there is no corruption or fraud in the procurement process.
21, 28, 39, 52, ?, 88
43, 56, 82, ?, 173, 238
What will come in the place of questions (?) mark in the following questions.
40, 25, 30, 50, 105, ?
14, 17, 23, 32, ?, 59
2, 2, 6, 30, ?, 1890
101, 103, 107, 109, 113, ?
110, 156, 212, ?, 354, 440
43 86 258 ? 5160 30960
...60 61 57 66 ? 75 39
...12 48 192 ? 3072 12288