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Quick ratio = Quick Assets/Current Liabilities 3,64,000 / 3,50,000 Quick Assets = Debtors + Cash = 340,000+24000 = 3,64,000 Current Liability = Trade Creditors + Bank Overdraft + Short term borrowings = 200,000+1,20,000+30,000 =3,50,000
What is the code for "Saathi will empower"?
What is the code for ‘Go’?
How many persons attend the class between V and Z?
How is M related to the aunt of R?
What is the code for “Never together” in the given code language?
What is the code for “specific” in the given code language?
Which of the following is the code of ‘ started ’?
In a certain code GONE is written as ‘5@&9’ and SEAL is written as ‘69%*’. How is LOGS written in that code?