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As per Amendment notification to Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013, applicable from April 01, 2021, the current maturities of long term borrowings shall be disclosed separately under short term borrowings. The Current maturities of finance lease obligations continue to be disclosed under other current liabilities.
If SHOES is coded as RCRJT, then how CHAIR can be coded?
In a certain code 'GIVEN' is coded as '285' and 'MADE' is coded as '92', then what is the code for ' MOBILE '?
In a certain code language, ‘UMBRELLA ‘is coded as '21' and ‘FIGHTER’ coded as '108'. What is the code of word ‘DEAF’ in the same coding lan...
Find the code word for ‘withdraw’?
If 'JUNGLE' is coded as 5 and 'TIRED' as 4, then what is the code number for the word 'TEMPERATURE'?
In a certain code language, ‘TALKER’ is coded as ‘!@#©$%’ and ‘TALKED’ is coded as ‘$%@#!£’. What is the code for ‘D’ in that code...
If EXAM is coded as EQCV and PAIR is coded as MVNY , then READ will be coded as?
...In a certain code language, ‘DEMONS’ is written as ‘YSSPGE’. How will ‘GRAPES’ be written in that code language?
In a certain code language ‘DIAMOND’ is coded as ‘’ FKCOQPF’ then, what is the code for ‘COLLECTOR’ in the same code language?