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Ind AS 7 deals with the "Statement of Cash Flows." This standard outlines the requirements for presenting information about an entity's historical cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities. It provides insights into an entity's ability to generate cash and its cash and cash equivalent needs.
A person sees a train passing over 2 km long bridge. The length of the train is half that of bridge if the train clears the bridge in 6 mins. What is th...
Train P starts from Lucknow to Dehradun at 11:55 am with an average speed of 30 m/s. Train Q starts from Dehradunto Lucknowat 1:35 pm with an average sp...
Train ‘A’ running with a speed of 18 km/h crosses a pole in 8 seconds. If the time taken by train ‘A’ to cross train ‘B’ running with a spee...
A train passes a pole in 15 seconds and takes 18.75 seconds to completely cross a platform that is 120 meters long. What is the length of the train?
How many seconds will a train 66 m in length, travelling at the rate of 43 km an hour, take to pass another train 86 m long, proceeding in the same dire...
A train started from station P and preceded towards station Q at a speed of 98 km/h. 30 minutes later, another train started from station Q and preceded...
Two trains started from stations ‘A’ and ‘B’ at same time and started travelling towards each other at speeds of 80 km/hr and 70 km/hr, respecti...
1280 metres long train crosses a man who is moving in the same direction with a certain speed in 20 seconds. If the same train can cross a pole in 16 se...
When the speed of a passenger train is increased by 5 km/hr, then to cover a distance of 300 km it takes 2 hours less time. What is its initial speed (i...
Two trains C and D started from point A and B respectively. Speed of train D is 21 km/hr more than that of train C. Total distance between point A and B...