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Explanation: Private placement means any offer or invitation to subscribe or issue of securities to a select group of persons by a company. The select group of persons should have been identified by the Board and offer or invitation to subscribe securities shall not be made to persons more than two hundred in the aggregate in a financial year, excluding QIBs and employees.
In India, field experiments on water management falls in____________ approach
Moisture content in paddy after dying should be
Blade hoe is primarily used for:
Pre-soaking treatment with …………… increases the seed germination.
Highest SNF content is found in which animal milk?
A silent mutation causes
What is the recommended light intensity for Dendrobium orchid cultivation?
The word Crown cleaning related to which of the following crop?
Dichogamy contribute to cross-pollination in hermaphroditic species?
Which of the following statements regarding shifting cultivation is NOT true?