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According to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in India, gifts not exceeding 50,000 in value in a financial year by an employer to an employee shall not be treated as the supply of goods or services or both. This means that such gifts are not subject to GST.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the bold idiom in the given sentence.
There was no one in the team who could bell the cat and tell th...
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Despite her initial hesitation, Jenny decided to _______________ and join the public ...
To draw the line
Alice is definitely in a pickle as she didn’t meet her last month’s sales target.
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Jenny had been saving for months, and the unexpected sale on her favorite items allowe...
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Pull up your socks
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Despite their differences, the two colleagues managed to _______________ and collabo...
In each of the following questions a statement has been given with highlighted idioms. You are required to choose the meaning of the idioms from the op...
If you keep dodging your manager’s call, you will be on thin ice .