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According to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in India, gifts not exceeding 50,000 in value in a financial year by an employer to an employee shall not be treated as the supply of goods or services or both. This means that such gifts are not subject to GST.
Most effective pesticides are ......................?
The Daughter cells produced after mitosis will have ___________ number of chromosomes as original cells.
Floor space required for a cow in a covered space in sq. feet?
The desirable depth of ploughing for shallow rooted crops is ............................ cm?
The Central AGMARK Lab is located at
Which one of the following is the factor for conversion of ppm to kg/ha?
Which programme was launched in the early 2000’s with the objective of providing expert advice on risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods...
What will be the error degree of freedom for testing 5 varieties of wheat in Latin Square Design?
Spices Board was constituted on _______ under the Spices Board Act 1986 (No. 10 of 1986)
Supply chain mapping is the study of ...................................?