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Taxable Event is the point at which liability to pay GST arises. It is the point in time when the supply of goods or services is deemed to have taken place. The time of supply is determined based on different rules for goods and services.
57L of milk water is poured into a tub and the tub was found to be 5% empty. To completely fill the tub, what mount of additional milk must be poured?
The difference between the value of the number increased by 10% and the value of the number decreased by 20% is 72. Find the number.
A student has to secure 40% marks to pass an examination. He gets 150 marks and fails by 30 marks. What are the maximum marks?
Raj's income is ₹60,000 and his expenditure is ₹40,000. If his income is increased by 25% and expenditure by 15%, then what will be the percentage i...
A man's annual income has increased by Rs 5 lakhs but the tax on income that he has to pay has reduced from 12% to 10%. He now pays Rs 10,000 more inco...
The number of boys and girls in a school is 280 and 340 respectively. 35% of boys left the school while 10 girls took admission in the school. Find the ...
If the sales tax be reduced from 3(1/2) % to 3(1 /3) % what difference does it make to a person who purchases an article whose marked price is 4,200?
There are two types of boxes small and large. Identical sweets are sold in these two types of boxes and selling price of larger box is 50% more than sel...
If 20% of (A + B) = 30% of (A – B), then what percentage of B is equal to A?
The marked price of an article is 30% higher than the cost price. If a trader sells the articles allowing 10% discount to customer, then the gain percen...