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A checking account allows customers to earn interest on their deposits while providing easy access to funds for daily expenses.
Three of the following four options are alike in a certain way based on the Alphabetical series. Which one among the following doesn’t belong to the g...
Find the odd one out
Three of the four are alike in a certain way based on a particular pattern and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belongs to t...
Four numbers have been given, out of which three are alike in a certain way and one is different. Select the one that is different.
Four letter-clusters have been given out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the one that is different.
Select the letter cluster which does not belong to the same group from the given alternatives.
Three out of four words are similar in a way. Find the odd one out.
In the following question, select the odd number from the given alternatives.
Odd one out
Aditi is the daughter of Sanket. Vritti is the daughter of Ankit. Kriti is the mother of Mahi. Neeta is Sanket's wife. Neeta is the mother-in-law of Vri...