FSSAI launched The Eat Right India Movement on
The species of Rhizobium present in the root nodules of soyabean
Karnal Bunt of wheat, a disease that causes a characteristic fishy odor in affected grains, is caused by which of the following pathogens?
Cauliflower is deficiency indicator plant for which of the following element?
Which one of the following is an example of concentrated organic manure?
Pulsation theory in plants was proposed by
In which grafting Rootstock debarked 45 cm from ground level two slopes cut given and wedge is made tongue shape scion inserted?
A wheat crop grown on two hectare area produced 10 ton grain and required 5 irrigations of 6 cm each, find out its field water use efficiency
Which city is one of the established startup ecosystem hubs in India?
This type of antennae have flattened segments that resemble plates. They are often found in butterflies and moths and are adapted for detecting odor mol...