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Statutory Auditors are under a mandatory obligation to report fraud or suspected fraud if they observe suspicious activities, transactions or operating circumstances in a company that indicate reasons to believe that an offence of fraud is being or has been committed against the company by its officers or employees. In such an event, the Statutory Auditor shall initiate the steps prescribed under Rule 13 of Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules 2014 which begins with reporting the matter to the Board/Audit Committee within TWO days of his/her knowledge of the fraud.
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOTE : Operations should be performed ...
In a race, Gary ran faster than Jai. Neil ran faster than Jai. Sam ran slower than Gary. Who came first in the race?
What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following equation if ‘+’ and ‘-’ are interchanged and ‘x’ and ‘÷’ are inte...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance...
Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different.
Pick the odd one out.
Which of the following letter-clusters will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
RI, YB, FU, MN, TG, ?
From the given option figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded. (rotation is not allowed)
In the following question, four letter pairs are given. The letters on left side of (–) is related to the letters on the right side of (–) with som...
If Neena says "Amita's father Raman is the only son of my father-in-law Madhav", then how Babita, who is the sister of Amita, is related to Madhav?
Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Select the pattern that will be on the face opposite to the one with the triangle.