The accounting general rule for recording financial transactions of nominal accounts in double-entry bookkeeping is "Debit all losses & expenses, credit all gains & income." Nominal accounts are temporary accounts, recording and keeping track of your profits, revenues, expenses, losses. Debiting losses and expenses represents an increase in these accounts, reflecting the use of assets or incurring of liabilities, while crediting gains and income accounts represents an increase in owners' equity through earned revenue or financial gains. This method ensures accurate and balanced financial records.
If (a3+1)/(a+1) = (a3-1)/(a-1) and a ≠ 1, -1. Find the value of 'a'
A shopkeeper marked his article 25% above its cost price and offered a discount of 30%. If cost price of the article is Rs. 560, then find profit or los...
The certain sum amounts to Rs11313.5 in 2(1/2) years at 12% p.a., interest compounded 10 months. The sum (in Rs) is:
Find the value of ‘x’ in the given expression:
(49/16)x× (64/343)x-1= 4/7
If 2x + y = 15 and xy = 18, then the value of (4x² - y²)
If √x + 1/√x = 2 then find the value of 3x2 + 1/3x2.
If 2x+1, x+2, 2 and 5 are in proportion, then what is the mean proportional between 3.5(1-x) and 8(1+x)?
If (a – 8) 2 + (b + 2) 2 + (c – 3) 2 = 0, then find the value √(a +b + c).
...If x + y + z = 4, xyz = 6 & x2 + y2 + z2 = 8 then find the value of x3 + y3 + z3.