V-CIP mandates secured network domains, geo-tagging, end-to-end encryption, and real-time interaction to ensure the validity and security of the customer identification process.
Weeds which are monocot in nature belong to the family
Which of the following entities is responsible for implementing the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana?
The wild growth of ______ is checked with Cochineal insect in Australia
Fertilizer use efficiency in transplanted rice is
The abiotic component of agro-ecological zone comprises of
An application of the accounting principles to the business of farming is:
Blue – green algae grow best in:
The first state in India to introduce Training and Visit system was:
Approximately, what fraction of total workforce of India is engaged in agricultural and allied sector activities?
What is the prize for the 1st Rank Best Dairy Farmer in the National Gopal Ratna Award 2024?