Liquidity Risk arises when a bank is unable to meet a financial commitment . This may arise due to variety of reasons. The entity may not be able to raise resources at reasonable cost. This may also arise when a bank is not able to exit an investment due to non availability of counter party in the market resulting in impacting the liquidity of the bank in meeting its commitments.
In which direction is Bheem facing now?
I. From C, Bheem walks 10m, then he takes left turn and walks 5m. Point C is in the west.
Six student M, N, O, P, Q and R scored different marks in an exam. Who scored the third lowest marks?
Statement I: M scored more than P and R,...
Six persons (D, E, F, G, H, and I) are participating in a race. Which of the following statement is redundant to find which person wins the race?
Five person P, Q, R, S and T all are sitting around a circle. Who are sitting around the circular table facing towards the centre?
I. S sits to...
In the question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action, numbered I and II. It is assumed that everything in the statement is true....
In this question, a question is followed by two statements numbered (I) and (II). You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are su...
Among five states M, N, O, P and Q, M is in which direction with respect to N?
I.M is to the west of O, which is to the south of Q. N is to th...
How many students are there in class 10 in the school X?
I. The class teacher of class 10 correctly remembers that the number of students in he...
Five persons P, Q, R, S, and T live on five different floors. The bottom floor is numbered 1 and the top floor is numbered 5. Also, each of them was bor...
In a certain code language which of the following is the code for “trunk”?
I. “trunk call given” is coded as “ck g...