Doctrine of Privity to contract means only parties to contract have a right to sue in case of breach but when the third party to a contract is due to trust, family arrangement, estoppel etc. they can also exercise such right.
Number of RBI coursessoldonSaturday were how much percent less than number of NABARD coursessoldonMonday and Tuesday together?
What is ratio of Nokia mobile sold in months of January, May and August together to Samsung Mobile sold in months of May, August and October together?
Find the average number of TV sold by P, R and S.
Jimmy invests Rs 6 lakh in debentures and some amount in mutual funds. He receives a total interest of Rs 930000 from both these scheme together. What...
Find the difference between the total number of red pens sold by A and E together and number of blue pens and green pens sold by B.
If 20% of students disqualified for the exam from city A in 2018 and 26% from city D in 2019, then how many students had been disqualified for the exam ...
The price of each green pen sold by B, C and D is Rs.5, Rs.10 and Rs.12 respectively. Find the total price of all the green pens sold by these three shops.
Number of female promoting GUCCI approximately is what percent more than the number of male models promoting Louis Vuitton?
If the curved surface area and the radius of a cylinder are 880 cm2 and 14 cm, respectively, then find the volume (in cm3) of the ...
Find the ratio of the total males in Delhi and Chandigarh together to the total number of females in the same cities together.