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Internal control system reduces the possibility of occurrence of employee fraud and management fraud An effective internal control system can help reduce the risk of both employee fraud and management fraud. For employee fraud, the system can establish clear policies and procedures for financial transactions and record-keeping, communicate these to all employees, and include monitoring and oversight mechanisms. For management fraud, the system can establish a culture of integrity and ethical behavior, ensure that management is held accountable for their actions, and implement checks and balances to prevent abuse of power.
Who was the First recipient of World Food Prize.
Which state is leading in the production of cotton as per the latest statistics by the directorate of economics & stats?
RT-46 is a variety of which crop?
Heat which cause increase or decrease in temperature without changing state is known as
Two pairs of antennae are present in
What will be the weed control efficiency (%) if weed dry matter in weedy check plot is 40 quintals and in treated plot it is 20 quintals/ha ?
Double zero rapeseed and mustard varieties refer to
National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing Agricultural Produce Market Committee(APMC) man...
Orchids growing on shrubs are known as______
Which of the following is not a vector quantity?