A director needs to have a single Director Identification number (DIN). Every individual intending to be appointed as director of a company shall make an application for allotment of DIN to the Central Government. Once allotted, this will be used as the DIN for every directorship held by that individual. Section 155 of the Companies Act, 2013, prohibits an individual, who has already been allotted a DIN under section 154, to apply for, obtain or possess another DIN.
Identify the artificial growth inhibitor from below.
If the Sun releases 1000 J of energy, then plants take only 100 J of energy from sunlight, how much energy would a human obtain by eating the plant foll...
Which of the following best defines a biome?
Out of the following quantity, which is required to irrigate 1.0 ha land area with 50mm depth of irrigation?
Which of the following option best defines the term “Transhumance”?
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Law of diminishing return also regarded as a fundamental law in agriculture and economics.
Amrapali is a cross of-
Stroma and grana membranes are present in
नीचे दिए वाक्यों में से कुछ में त्रुटियाँ हैं और कुछ ठीक ह...
Tetrazolium test is used to determine: