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The correct answer is C
To which state does the popular folk singer Teejan Bai belong to?
How many housing finance companies are included in the upper layer under scale based regulation for NBFCs for the year 2023-24 according to the Reserve ...
Which Logic Gate is known as Universal Gate?
Which of the following is correct?
Ferns, horsetails and lycophytes belong to which of the following groups?
According to the 7th edition of Swachh Survekshan Awards 2022, most of the clean cities were from which state?
In which year was the National Biodiversity Authority, a statutory autonomous body, established under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Governme...
Sunil Chhetri is related to which game / sports?
If in a code language, 'HOME' is written as 'LROF' and 'EYE' is written as 'HAF' and 'SO' is written as 'UP', how will 'HOUSE' be written in that language?
The Appropriation bill, 2022 was passed in Lok Sabha on ________.