Throw is used to throw or introduce exceptions, catch is used to catch the exception and handle it so that the program is prevented from failing.
If the PV ratio us 80% and MOS is 20000. Calculate FC if SP per unit is 5 and Contribution is 40000.
What is the role of a Ceding Company in insurance?
Which of the following is NOT a common profitability ratio?
Ind AS 7 deals with which of the following:
Which Ind AS deals with Revenue from Contracts with Customers?
Application for cancellation of registration shall be submitted electronically in Form ______.
After providing for ___________, Declaration of Dividends for the current year is made.
During a reporting period, a company’s assets increase by Rs. 80,000,000. Liabilities decrease by Rs. 20,000,000. Equity must therefore?
Which of the following is not a fixed asset?
With respect to hire purchase and installment sale transactions, which of the following statement is incorrect?