Random Access Memory (RAM) can be treated as the waiting room for the data of a computer's processor. RAM is a type of computer memory that stores data temporarily for the processor to quickly access.
Which crop is expected to see a yield reduction of 47% by 2080 without adaptation measures according to NICRA?
Darwins’ phototropism experiment and Went’s coleoptile tip experiment are related to which of the following hormone:
“Devine” and “Collego” are two agricultural substances work by producing toxic compounds
that dissolve the cell walls of target
...Approximately, what fraction of total workforce of India is engaged in agricultural and allied sector activities?
The process by which particular homozygous plant varieties can be selected for creating next generations.
Who is known as the father of economics?
What is the rank of India in fruit production?
Viral disease transmitted by seed is
The main mode of extension in the ‘farmers first’ model is _____
A blue print for action is: