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Three years ago, the age difference between Tina and Mina was 4 years. Currently, the ratio of their ages is 5:7, respectively. Determine the present ag...
The average age of A, B and C is 25 years, while the average age of B, A and D is 23 years. If the ratio of the age of C and D is 5:3, respectively, the...
The present ages of Vikas and Sneha are in the ratio 7:4, respectively. After 6 years from now, the sum of their ages will be 78 years. Find the present...
The ratio of the present ages of father and his son is 9:5. The product of their ages 3 years ago was 33 times of his son’s age that year. What wa...
The present age ratio of Anshul to Pawan is 5:7, and that of Chinky to Diksha is 3:2. A decade ago, the ratio of Anshul’s age t...
A is younger than B by 5 years. If the ratio of A and B ages is 7:8 respectively, then find the age of A.
The present age of A is 5/3 times to that of his marriage age. Present age of his brother is 1/3rd of his present age. If A was married 24 years ago the...
The current ages of 'A' and 'B' are in the ratio 4:7. Currently, 'B' is 8 years younger than what 'C' was 6 years ago. If 'C' is 42 years old now, what ...
The present age of A is 9/5 times to that of his marriage age. Present age of his brother is 1/2nd of his present age. If A was married 24 years ago the...