The correct answer is D
The coverage rate for DPT3, the third dose of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines, in India was ______, as per the WHO and UNICEF estimates for n...
Which of the following is NOT an example of Unicellular organism?
Who were named the Most Valuable Players at the 74th National Basketball Championship?
According to Indian Census 2011, which of the following districts has the highest decadal percentage growth rate of population in Uttarakhand?
Which state government has launched the Fiber Optic Network scheme for digital empowerment. The aim is to provide internet access to all households ac...
Which state is in first position in India’s GI tag List FY 2022-23?
How many moons have been recently discovered around the planet Jupiter?
Consider the following statements about Mayan Civilization:
1. It is one of the civilizations of the Africa
2. Its society consisted of...
Consider the following statements about AUKUS Initiative:
1. It is a strategic partnership among Australia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the Un...
The 8th Defense Dialogue between __________ and Thailand was held in Bangkok.