PCIe is the most common type of socket used to connect a graphics card to a motherboard. It provides high-speed data transfer and is designed specifically for graphics card and other expansion card connections.
Which crop, known for its cultivation in semi-arid regions and often referred to as a 'camel crop' due to its drought resistance, has a relatively low l...
Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fertilizer?
What is the percentage of nitrogen in the ammonium nitrate?
Demographic transition theory of population was proposed by
Which soil has high water holding capacity with poor drainage
Wolf apple is the common name of
Which of the following is biennial weed?
Which grain can a gluten intolerant person safely consume?
Interveinal chlorosis with tints of red orange and purple colors are typical deficiency symptoms of__________
The bitter taste in brinjal fruit is due to?