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The units of storage are arranged as follows: 1 KB < 1 MB < 1 GB < 1 TB. Therefore, 1 terabyte (TB) is the largest among these options.
Which of the following actions can SEBI take to regulate capital markets and protect investors?
What is the quorum required for a Board of Directors meeting according to Companies Act, 2013?
Which among the following acts lays down the law relating to payment of a customer's cheque by a banker and the protection available to a banker?
A company foreited certain equity shares. These were re-issued later in the year. The profit on Forfeiture of these shares would be transferred to whic...
A company purchased 50,000 units of raw material at Rs.2 per unit. At what value will the raw material inventory be recorded in the books of accounts if...
A company paid Rs.15 lakh for a machine imported from Germany. The machine was tested at a cost of Rs.18,000. The company also spent on freight and inst...
A company reported net profit ratio of 5% and RoA of 9% on total assets of Rs.90 Lakh. What will be the Total Asset Turnover Ratio of the company?
What is the Current Ratio of JKL Ltd based on given information?
As per Section 26(9) of Companies Act 2013, what is the amount of fine in case the prospectus is issued in contravention of the section related to matte...
ABC Ltd had issued 20,000 debentures with FV of Rs.100 each, redeemable at 5% premium. Debenture holders have an option to convert 20% of redemption val...