Object-oriented programming (OOP) is based on the concept of objects, which are instances of classes.
Who was the founder of the Kanva dynasty?
According to the “Equal remuneration act 1976” who can constitute “Advisory committee”?
A and B started a business by investing Rs.7000 and Rs.12000 respectively. After 4 months A withdrew 50% of his investment. If at the end of the year, p...
Which gas is most abundant in the Earth's atmosphere?
How long does an annuitant have to wait to withdraw the deposit amount in the Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) scheme?
If in the last condition (v), it is stated that D sits on the seat number 7, then who will sit on the seat number 4?
6124.8 × 625.5 × 0.0043 is equal in value to:
The pluralistic approach suggests that conflict between management and workers:
Consider the following statements regarding disqualification
1. The disqualification under Representation of Peoples Act, 1951 is decided by t...
Which one of the following is not a consequence of deforestation?