
    Which of the following is used to remove formatting from

    a selected paragraph in word processing programs?
    A Clear Formatting Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Delete Paragraph Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Format Painter Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Remove Paragraph Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The Clear Formatting option removes all formatting from the selected text, such as bold, italics, font size, and colors. It reverts the text to the default formatting, which is useful for resetting styles quickly. Knowledge Booster: 1. "Clear Formatting" is typically found under the Home tab in Word. 2. It resets character-level formatting like font and size. 3. It does not delete the text, only the formatting. 4. Shortcut: Select text and press Ctrl + Spacebar to clear character-level formatting. Additional Knowledge: • Clear Formatting is essential when copying text from external sources with unwanted formatting. • Delete Paragraph removes the entire paragraph from the document. • Format Painter copies and applies formatting from one part of the document to another. • Remove Paragraph is not a valid option in most programs.

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