
    What is the keyboard shortcut to edit the contents of a

    cell in Microsoft Excel?
    A F2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Alt + E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Shift + Enter Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Ctrl + S Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Pressing F2 allows users to edit the contents of a selected cell in Microsoft Excel directly. It is a quick and efficient way to modify data without re-entering it. Knowledge Booster: 1. Alt + E is not a valid shortcut in Excel. 2. Shift + Enter moves to the cell above while keeping the current edit. 3. Ctrl + S saves the workbook but does not edit the cell. 4. Shortcuts like F2 improve speed and reduce mouse dependency. Additional Knowledge: • F2 works in all versions of Excel. • Alt + E was used in older versions for menu navigation. • Shift + Enter is useful for navigation while entering data. • Ctrl + S is the universal save shortcut for all applications.

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