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An oral arbitration agreement is deemed to be a __________________ as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act?
What are the rights which are available to an indemnity holder as per the Indian Contract Act?
According to regulation 32(2) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018, who certifies that a partici...
Damage caused to property is actionable as _______ in torts?
What is the maximum period under S.110 of Cr.P.C for furnishing security prescribed for keeping good behavior ?
Where a person dies, which of the following cannot be done against legal representative, as per SCRA?
What are the eligibility norms that are required to be satisfied by the central recordkeeping agency, points of presence and pension funds as per the PF...
If there is an alternative promise where one branch being illegal, then ____________
The concept of confidentiality shall extend to_____?
As per the Transfer of Property Act, what are the rights and liabilities of the lessor?