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The communication between sender and receiver occurs in both directions in half duplex transmission, but only one at a time. The sender and receiver can both send and receive the information, but only one is allowed to send at any given time. Half duplex is still considered a one-way road, in which a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction of the traffic has to wait till the road is empty before it can pass through. For example, in walkie-talkies, the speakers at both ends can speak, but they have to speak one by one. They cannot speak simultaneously.
290 × 15 ÷ 5 + 34 + 50 = ?
15(2/9) + 11(2/9) + 17(1/9) + 13(4/9) = ?
60% of 250 + 14 × 10 - 210 = ?
Solve for the ?
144% of 200 + 11% of 900 + 10% of 20 =?
96% of 4500 – 34% of 650 = ?
10 × 100 ÷ 5 + 9 = ?
675 ÷ 15 + 225 – 18 × 6 = ?
12% of 450 + 16% of 1500 = ?