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How many Scheduled Tribe families does the PM Janjatiya Unnat Gram Abhiyaan aim to benefit?
As of July 31, 2024, what percentage of ₹2000 banknotes have been returned following their withdrawal?
Which port has been approved by the Union Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways for developing India's first integrated Agri-Export facility in Jul...
What is the main focus of the Digital General Crop Estimation Survey (DGCES) discussed in the national conference?
What is the theme for World Organ Donation Day 2024, observed on August 13?
Which city received the World Craft City Certificate from the World Crafts Council International in July 2024?
India’s rank has been improved in Global Innovation Index 2020 to 48th rank from _____ in 2019.
Who authored the recently released book titled “Echoes of Faith: Tales of Explorations, Nature and Divinity”?
Air India has partnered with which organization to develop Bengaluru as the aviation hub for South India?
Consider the following statements concerning the environmental impact of digital content consumption:
A) Digital activities contribute signifi...