The correct answer is B
The conversion of insurance companies from mutual companies owned by their policyholders into publicly traded stock companies is termed as?
A survey to determine a property’s insurable value, or the amount of a loss is termed as?
Which part of the policy includes details such as policy duration and limits of liability?
Insurance premiums are payable in advance but the insurance company does not fully earn them until the policy period expires is termed as?
Which Insurance is a compulsory insurance plan administered by a government agency with the primary emphasis on social adequacy?
Selling insurance through groups is called?
Which Section of the IRDAI Act,1999 specifies the Duties, Powers and functions of the Authority?
Which component of an insurance policy includes the name, logo, and contact details of the insurer?
Which of the following situation occurs when one party in a negotiation has relevant information the other party lacks.
If an organization wishes to venture into Insurance Business it has to obtain a licence firstfrom which of the following ?