The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is considered the 'brain' of the computer.
Dharun has a brother Anand. Dharun is the son of Kumar. Krishnan is Kumar's father. How is Anand related to Krishnan?
Which of the following statements is/are definitely correct?
How is Q related to O?
C is the father of G, who is the grandson of R. W is the only daughter of R. R has only two children and only one of them is married. O is the mother-in...
How is H is related to C?
Pointing to a photograph, an unmarried man, who has only one sister says, “The woman in the photograph is the maternal grandmother of my niece.” How...
How is W related to S?
How is M’s father related to P, if P is a female?
How is Y related to X?
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are from two generations and four married couple. V and T are married couples. P is father in law of U, who is s...