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The correct answer is D
Which of the following factors should primarily determine the sample size in a data analysis project?
How does supply chain optimization benefit from predictive analytics?
Which of the following best describes non-random sampling?
When dealing with data from a social media platform that includes posts, images, and metadata, what type of data format is this dataset classified as?
A study estimates the average weight of a population with a 95% confidence interval of (65 kg, 75 kg). What does this mean?
You receive a dataset with missing values in multiple columns. What is the most effective approach to handle these missing values?
Which of the following methods is most effective in reducing selection bias during the sampling process?
Which ES6 feature allows for function parameters to have default values if no value is provided during a function call?
In the context of data analysis, which of the following best describes trend analysis?
In which programming language are pointers explicitly supported and used for memory manipulation?