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The correct answer is B
Who has been roped as the new Controller General of Accounts?
Which state Chief Minister has launched an upgraded Inner Line Permit (IPL) system portal?
Direct Marketing means___________.
Which of the following is not classified as a noble metal?
Which of the following statement/statements is/are CORRECT regarding HDFC Bank Group's approval to acquire stakes in various banks?
1. The Reserv...
At what yearly interest rate does the 'e-Kisan Upaj Nidhi' platform permit farmers to store their produce at any registered WDRA warehouse for up to six...
Who is the writer of the book ‘Dangerous Earth’?
Which of the following states does not share boundary to Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh?
The headquarters of TRAFFIC is located in which of the following places?
Which e-commerce platform has collaborated with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade to co-create capacity building sessions, training and workshops...