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The average wage of a group of 49 labourers is Rs. 650. If 4 persons receiving average wage of Rs. 500 leave the group and 2 persons receiving average w...
A frustum of a cone has radii of 5 cm and 3 cm, and a height of 8 cm. What is its volume?
Average of four numbers is 16. Sum of smallest and largest number is 45. If difference between other two numbers is 1, then find the square of second sm...
The weight of two persons Kishan and Krishana are in the ratio 5:7. Krishan’s weight increased by 20% and the total weight of Kishan and Krishana ...
The average age of a class of 22 girls is 18 years. If 2 new girls having average age of 12 years join the class, then the average age of the class beco...
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 85. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 100 students is reduced ...
A bowler gives 15 runs per wicket. He gives 30 runs and takes 5 wickets in a last match after which his average becomes 13.5 runs per wicket. How many ...
A number is such that when it is multiplied by 5, it gives another number which is as much above from 210 as the original number (itself) is below 210. ...
There are 15 numbers such that average of first 12 numbers is 25 while the average of last five numbers is 44. Find the 12th number, if the ratio betwee...
The average value of the property of Ravi, Sanjay, and Deepak is Rs. 75 lacs. The value of the property of Ravi is Rs. 20 lacs less than the value of th...