Integrated circuits (ICs) were first introduced during the third generation of computers. The third generation of computers, which emerged in the 1960s, saw the development and widespread use of integrated circuits. These tiny electronic circuits contained multiple transistors, resistors, and capacitors on a single semiconductor chip. The use of integrated circuits significantly reduced the size of computers, increased their processing speed, and improved their reliability, marking a significant advancement in computer technology.
What is the primary function of a reinsurer?
What is the purpose of a "No Claim Bonus" in motor insurance?
The principle of utmost good faith requires:
The insurance in which risks are shared between multiple insurers is known as?
Which among the following is not an element of active listening?
In a life insurance contract, the stated sum of money to be paid to the beneficiary upon the insured’s death is termed as?
Which of the following public sector company have the highest shareholding in Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC)?
The 'No Fault Liability' provision in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is applicable to:
The Public Sector Insurance companies in India include:
The “Malhotra Committee” was established to: