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Which state of India has the maximum length of state Highways?
The capital of European Union is located at:
Shlok Mukherjee has won the Doodle 2022 for his inspiring work ‘India on the Centre State’ for Google, he belongs to which city?
Consider the following pairs of local wind and their associated features.
Phanigiri Buddhist site, recently seen in news, is located in which state?
With reference to the salient features of the different rock systems of India, consider the following pairs:
Consider the following rivers:
1. Barak
2. Lohit
3. Subansiri
Which of the above flows/flow through Arunachal Pradesh?
Consider the following statements with respect to the Mountain Soils:
1. It is heterogeneous in nature and its character changes with parent rock...
These are longitudinal valleys formed as a result of folding. Overtime these have been filled with alluvium brought down by Himalayan rivers. The region...
The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through which of these countries neighboring India?