The option in Microsoft Word that allows you to create a duplicate copy of the selected text or object is called "Copy."
As many persons sit between G and D as between A and _____?
Who is the husband of Y?
What is the position of T with respect to O?
Eight students – Pi, Qi, Ri, Si, Ti, Ui, Vi, and Wi are sitting around a circular bench, facing the centre. Pi is sitting third to the left of Wi an...
Who among the following sits at one of the extreme ends?
Who among the following sits exactly between F and A?
What is the position of P with respect to the person who paid Rs. 550?
If Piya sits second to the left of Jaya, then who sits fifth to the right of Piya?
...Number of person sits between C and Z when counted from the left of C is same as Number of person sits between Y and ______ when counted from right of ...
Six students (L, M, N, O, P and Q) sit in a linear row facing south but not necessarily in the same order. One person sits between L and N. Two persons ...