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If irrigation water is NOT limited, groundnut grown in a sandy loam soil should be irrigated throughout crop period using which of the following schedule
Symptom associated with Anthracnose in papayas is
Factors affecting international product planning is ...................................?
Urban agriculture contributes to ........................?
Small etiolated area develops near the distal end of the fruit which gradually spreads, turns nearly black and covers the tip of the fruit completely. T...
What is the probable impact on supply when a technological breakthrough significantly reduces the time required to produce a certain product?
In Biotechnology, DNA Sequence data can be protected by
Which one is not the component communication?
Which of the following crop is used for flax and oil both?
Arrange these crops in decreasing order of their crop duration under same agro-climatic conditions.
A. Cotton
B. Sugarcane
C. Rice<...