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e shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F in Microsoft Word 365 is used to open the font selection dialog, allowing users to pick a new font for the selected text. Knowledge Booster: 1. Ctrl + F is used for the "Find" function. 2. Shift + F does not perform a specific action related to fonts. 3. Ctrl + Alt + F is used for adding footnotes. 4. Learning font-related shortcuts improves formatting speed.
The site of protein synthesis is Ribosomes and The Ribosomes attached to the surface of Endoplasmic Reticulum is termed as
Ratooning is practiced in which of the following crops?
If the cow is mated with the bull and the performance is increased, it is termed as
International Rural Women day is celebrated on ………………
Which of the following groups is of pre-emergence herbicides?
Which is a common crop which is grown of natural autopolyploid?
Genetic disassortative mating will result in:
Development of embryo from antipodal cell is known as:
"Golden Rice" refers to the rice rich in:
Incubation period of chickens is ___