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According to 2023 QS university world Rankings, which Indian Institute is the third highest ranked institute?
Which is the correct sequence of cloud formations from lowest to highest altitude?
Which country is home to the 5,000-year-old Patagonian cypress tree, officially recognized as the world's oldest and nicknamed "Great Grandfather,"?
India Centre for Lab grown Diamond (InCent-LGD) proposed to be established at which of the following IIT?
Which organization has recently launched 'Jaldost Airboat'?
The __________ has signed an agreement with Chinese smart devices maker Oppo's Indian arm to strengthen the research and development of the NavIC messag...
What causes 'Wilt of Potato,' also known as Ring Disease?
Which nations are involved in the second edition of Exercise CYCLONE?
Recently, which state has flagged off a cruise liner “Empress” ?
...What is the primary objective of the Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN) to support academia in India?