Rational decision makingis a multi-stepprocessformakingchoices between alternatives. Theprocessofrational decision-makingfavors logic, objectivity, and analysis over subjectivity and insight. The rational decision-making process involves careful, methodical steps like identifying the problem, identifying the alternatives, evaluating them and them selecting the best alternative. It aims at coming at the most optimal solution to the problem.
Land capability classes are designated by the numbers 1 to 8. What do the numbers indicate?
It is also known as Chinese layering, Pot layering, Marcottage or Gootee-
The scientific name of grass carp is…………………………..
Commercial hybrid rice seed production in India is mostly done through
National Centre for Organic and Natural farming is located at ____
Crop susceptible to water stress and water logging
Which was the first metal used by man?
Vector of Rice grassy stunt virus is:
Tempering in seed drying refers to
What is the primary vector responsible for transmitting Cotton Leaf Curl Disease (CLCuD)?