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The Delphi technique is a process used to arrive at a group opinion or decision by surveying a panel of experts . It is an approach to generating new ideas or problem-solving amongst a group or team. Each member or interested party submits his or her recommendations or views on the issue under review to a central contact point. All ideas generated in this way are then circulated to all those participants in the process, who then have the opportunity to submit comments on them. This process is repeated until a consensus emerges. Although time consuming, it can be an effective approach to the management of change. Delphi method was developed way back in 1950s by Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalker at the RAND Corporation to forecast the impact of technology on warfare. It was incorporated to reduce the range of responses and arrive at a consensus.
Which of the following contains Grapes?
Which of the following statement is true?
Who among the following likes Samsung?
Who sits third to the left of Lokesh
How many boxes are kept between box X and the box which contains Pencil?
Who among the following appeared for IBPS PO?
Which among the following combinations is/are true?
I. Nakul and the one belongs to Kanpur were born in the month having 31 days.
II. One ...
Who among the following born on 5th of February?
Which of the following box is kept just below the box which contains Push – pin?
V lives on ____ floor and likes ____ colour.