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The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.
If Radhika is the wife of Geet and Jayesh is married to Kaveri then how is Radhika related to Kaveri?
Statement: L ≥ X ≤ Z > Y ≤ A, Y = B ≥ C
Conclusion: I. C > A II. A ≥ C
...How is uncle of S related to N?
Who among the following is brother-in-law of M?
In a family, there are seven persons, comprising two married couple, S is the only child of N and the granddaughter of L. N is a widow. N and Q are sist...
How is L related to M?
P, L, T, B, N and D are six members of a business family. N is the son of B, who is not the mother of N. L is the brother of B. D and B are a married co...
V is married to F. S is the daughter of V, who is the mother-in-law of L. B is the son of L. F has only one child. How is F related to L?
If 'O' is 'M's daughter; 'N' is 'O's brother; 'K is 'N's father and 'F' is 'K's mother, then how is F related to 'M'?
Which of the following indicates that ‘T is paternal uncle of W’?