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The Multilateral Guarantee Agency (MIGA) insures lenders and investors against political risk such as war. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) provides loans, credits, and grants. International Development Association (IDA) provides low- or no-interest loans to low-income countries. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) provides investment, advice, and asset management to companies and governments. The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) settles investment-disputes between investors and countries.
The average age of a group of 20 students is 30 years. Two persons of age 40 years and 35 years, left the group and 2 persons of age 50 years and 65 yea...
The average of the present age of 6 members of a family is 42 years. The present age of the youngest member is 12 years. Then what was the average age o...
Anita bought a refrigerator at a discount of 20% on MRP. She earned one-third the amount of her CP by renting it for 300 days. After that, she resells i...
The average age of 15 children and their teacher's age are 12 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 2. What is the teacher's age?
Sonali applied for a job of Science teacher in a school. In the test for job, she scored 8 in Physics, 8 in Chemistry, 6 in Biology, and 6.5 in the inte...
The average age of 16 girls is 35 years. If the age of two more girls is added the average decreases by 3.5 years. What is the sum of the age of new girls?
The average of 10 numbers is 102. The average of the first 5 numbers is 78 and the average of the last 4 numbers is 46. What is the 6th number?
Each question contains a statement followed by Quantity I and II. Read the information clearly and answer your questions accordingly.
Average age of company A is 25 years and average age of both companies A and B is 17 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 3:...