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The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) provides academic and technical support for qualitative improvement of school education. The NCERT was established in 1961 as an apex national body to lead qualitative changes in school education. NCERT has been playing an advisory role guiding central and state governments in formulating policies, acts and government programmes. It has played a crucial role in the development of national policies on education (1968-1986) and national curriculum frameworks. The researches undertaken by the Council have led to building new perspective of schooling and also provided inputs for formulation of policies and programmes. NCERT has been designing and offering innovative and need-based courses for teachers, teacher educators and counsellors.
Q=0.138 h² √h is a formula to calculate:
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The type of germination observed in pigeon pea is____
Which monsoon is responsible for rainfall in tamil nadu
Flavor of lemon grass is due to
Which fungal disease affects the seedling emergence from the soil in two phases, namely pre-emergence and post-emergence damping-off?
Optimum temp. for retting of jute is
Water is held in the soil in the form of water films around all the soil particles and aggregates. Which force holds water to the soil particles?
Which among the following is an example of Pseudocarpic fruit?
The grazing food web begins with: