MAA- Mother’s Absolute Affection is an intensified programme to bring undiluted focus on promotion of breastfeeding and other infant and young child feeding practices. The goal of the MAA programme is to revitalise efforts towards promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding practices through health systems to enhance breastfeeding rates. The key components of the programme are—awareness generation, promotion of breastfeeding and interpersonal counselling at community level, skilled support for breastfeeding at delivery points and monitoring and award/recognition.
A milkman mixed milk and water in an empty container in the ratio 14:9. The quantity of milk mixed was bought by the milkman at the rate of Rs. 25/litre...
In a mixture, the initial quantity of milk and water is 11:12 respectively. If (z-14) and ‘z’ litres of milk and water are added respectively in the...
A container contains Alcohol and water in ratio of 7:3 and Capacity of Container is 80 lit. If half of the Container is replaced with 13 lit of water th...
In a blend of milk and water, the milk's quantity exceeds the water's by 37 ml. After 75% of this mixture is removed and 10.75 ml...
40 liters of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 17: 3. After the addition of some more milk, the ratio of milk to water in the resulting ...
150 litres of mixture contains water and milk in the ratio 5:6 respectively. If 40 litres of the mixture is replaced by same quantity of water, then fin...
In a mixture, the ratio of milk to water is 4:5. If the mixture is augmented by adding 12 liters of milk and 20 liters of water, the new ratio of milk t...
A Vessel if full of milk, 5 litre of milk is taken out and replaced by water. This process is repeated once more, find the initial amount of milk in the...
A mixture consists of milk and water in a 5:4 ratio. If 108 liters of this mixture are removed and 64 liters of water are then added, the new quantity o...
A fuel blend composed of diesel and petrol is mixed in a ratio of 5:3, respectively. If one-fourth of this blend is removed and replaced with 24 liters ...